When is the last time you did battle with your “enemy”? Let me remind you, it can be “all the time” and “when you least expect it”, you might not even know it. By “enemy” I mean “Satan”, the deceiver, manipulator, liar, etc. Satan is tenacious and we need to be also. There’s an old saying that says, “you are what you see yourself as”. This brings up the question, “exactly how do you see yourself ”? Please go to the attached pictures and see if you can identity yourself as one of those “Warriors”. Then go to the Bible to the book of Ephesians, chapter 6, and read verses 10 – 18. What the Bible is telling you is to see yourself as God sees you, as “His Warrior”!!! Pay close attention to each verse because each piece of God’s Armor is critically important if you expect to be “Victorious” over Satan. There’s another saying, “seeing is believing”, and I hope that is true for you. Do you want to win those battles you have with Satan; then “Put on the Total Armor”, all of it. If you forget to put a piece of the Armor on you are vulnerable. God has given you His Armor to fight to win and you absolutely can win, in and through the Lord Jesus Christ!!!!
“Onwards Christian Soldiers” !!!!